The First Skeld
The Model 2 Skeld, or preferably just The Skeld as we know today is based on the Model 1 Skeld, with the same patterns, hoping to recreate the expedition with one new invention that would prevent the parasitic massacre from occuring: BSPH Suits, that would prevent any parasites from attacking the body and brain of the human body, and would prevent parasites from taking over the body, resulting in an overwhelming power from the parasite, and making potential to infect as many humans from one parasitic character. For legal reasons, the suit has been noted to be fragile with cutlery and weaponry, and can be penetrated easier than normal, with the focus of it being to prevent parasite breaches.
The BSPH Suits were created after the parasitic massacre on the Model 1 Skeld, after the black suited crewmate, Max Zenton, was infected by a parasite, leading to the death of all 10 crewmates on the ship, with Max's puppetered body escaping through a broken window, as an ejection system from the M1S had not been made (which we have developed into the Model 2 Skeld). With the BSPH Suits, that will not happen on this launch.
With that out of the way, Everything is set to launch as expected, and additional undiscussed security methods have been put in place.
Are you ready, [EVAN]?